Our Work

 As an Agency we have worked with a handful number of clients and the result we got was pretty impressive. We would like to show some of the results that our clients got from us while we were their social media managers or in some cases, we were the social media marketer for them.

Our Work - 

This is the most successful page we have managed and got results that will blow your mind.

So, as you can see in the picture that we got more than 4 Million impressions in less than a month. And this page only had 5000 followers at that time. So I think you can guess the amount of engagement on the page. If you don't then we are going to clear your doubt for that as well.

In this particular picture, you will see that the account reached more than 2 Million accounts who were anyhow interested in the picture. And as you can see the page had more than 350000 content interactions as well.

In this one, you can see more details like our daily account reach, likes, profile visits, and many more from the website and Email taps we got 2 new more clients as well.

If you are thinking that how is it possible? Then let me tell you the secret. We were getting 90% of traffic from explore pages as you can see our photo was continuously ranking on the Huge explore page. Even from the pages that have more than 9 million posts.

That picture is one of the most successful posts that got more than 200000 reach, !5000+ likes, 4000+ shares, and 1000+ saves. 

As we mentioned that 90% of the traffic was coming from the explore pages and here you can see the details. Where this post got more than 200000+ impressions from the explore page and the rest from the hashtags and home and others.

So it was only on Instagram, now let's explore youtube. 

That is analytics of a channel where we posted a single Youtube Shorts video and it went viral. Shorts were new at that time so we wanted to explore that field also that when we posted the first-ever youtube short on that particular channel it went viral.

So, now if you want this kind of numbers for your company then you can contact us as soon as possible.

Contact for Social Media Marketing and Managing in Kolkata or West Bengal - +91 8100442687
Contact us from anywhere in the world. E-mail - contact.bikashdas@gmail.com
