7 Free Tools to Rank #1 in Google

You wanna rank number one in Google! How do you think we can do it?Many people says that you should be focusing to build more links, many other people says you need to do on page SEO, but How to take the first step? Hey everyone we are Promote Digitally and we will tell you about 7 free tools that will help you to rank in number one in Google.

#1: Quicksprout:  

Quicksprout is a free tool. If you enter Quicksprout.com and give your url in their box called put your URL, it is a multitasking and super technological SEO application and it will show you and help you to fix all of the things that are wrong and even walk you through how you fix them step-by-step.
For an example if you are not putting in the right keywords in your title tag, in your description or in your all image tags, Quicksprout will show you which keyword you should use and where.

#2: Yoast SEO:

Yoast SEO comes with the free and the paid version we will recommend you to for the free version first and then use paid version.
Now with yoast, every time you do a blog post,it will give score and tell you, Hey! here's how you can do a title tag, and your meta description. You can pick  different keywords and show search engine something different than what you show users.
And the cool part of this tool is you can optimize each and everyone of your blog post to get the maximum amount of traffic.And every time you upload a new blog post it will automatically update sitemap for you automatically.

#3: Google Search Console: 

Now with Google Search Console what ends up doing is every time you publish a blog post or a page you have a Xml sitemap created by our previous tool Yoast, you then submit it to Search Console and it will show you how many impression you are getting , how many clicks you are getting,which pages are popular,and it will also show you which keyword is getting lot of impression for but not lot of clicks. You can then go and optimize your content by adding those keywords in your title or in meta description. This will help you rank in number one position without building a single link.

#4: Google Trends : 

For an example two motor car manufacturer like General Motors and BMW has lots of SEO traffic and lots of back links, so which one will google rank in number one? as both of them are having same amount off links so Google Trends will show you which is more popular between these two and lots of people are typing in for those. In short Google Trends analyses what is more popular than other one and for which the people are more searching in.

#5: Website Responsive Test.com :

Everyone has a smartphone this days. And most of their work is done on that, they don't really like to use their computers often so, we should make our website responsive and make it load as fast as it can. This website helps your website by making a responsive design for mobile users and tablet users as well as computer users. So that the people who have mobile devices can see your website and it should load really fast.

#6: Sremeingfrog :

Scremingfrog is super-technical SEO tool. If you put in your Url and it will show every little thing of your website is wrong. From title , meta description, to keywords to links. It analyses every little thing with it's super technical framework. So make sure you cheek out Scremingfrog to rank your website in number one.

#7: Google PageSpeed insights :

Last but not the least Google Page Speed Insights  will show how fast your website loads.If your page loads slow no worries, it will breakdown the lists for which things you need to improve for computer devices and which for mobile devices so that your website loads extremely fast.Because here is a thing, if someone is on your site and it loads slow what do you thing they are gonna do, they will leave. So make sure your website loads really fast.

If you use all this seven tools and use them properly we can guaranty you that no one can stop your website from getting ranked in number #1 place in Google. 


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